Determining if you are eligible for SSDI

On Behalf of | Apr 5, 2020 | Firm News | 0 comments

When something happens that renders you unable to work, it can be a very scary time. You may have questions regarding your ability to provide income for your family. One of those questions may be your eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance.

Five questions to determine eligibility

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Institute website, there are five questions used to determine if your disability qualifies for SSDI payments.

  • Is your condition considered severe? Your disability or impairment must significantly limit your ability to do essential work activities. This includes sitting, seeing, walking and remembering.
  • Is your condition on the list of disabling impairments? There is a list of certain conditions that automatically qualify you as disabled. If your condition is not on the list, the state will need to determine if your impairment is as severe as those that are on the list.
  • Are you working currently? If you are working and your income meets the guidelines for Substantial Gainful Activity, you will likely not qualify for SSDI payments.
  • Can you do the work you did before? If you cannot do the work you did before, you may qualify for SSDI payments.
  • Can you do other types of work? If you are unable to do other types of work due to your disability, age, transferable skills or past work experience, you may qualify for SSDI payments.

Do not give up if your claim is not approved

You may be able to file an appeal if your claim is not approved. Sometimes it can take several tries before a claim is finally approved.